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You’ll Never Walk Out On Me Again Waltz

Our 13th song of the film is being produced. Here’s the scene where the song will be sung –

“Joe enters his room. The place is disgusting. A dingy, white veil covers the bed like a homemade canopy. Joe pulls back the curtain to reveal Millie’s feet covered with flower petals and jewelry. He starts polishing the Runt’s toenails and begins a conversation with them, singing the You’ll Never Walk Out On Me Again Waltz. Joe waltzes around the room with the stumps until the walls of his room fall away and he is transported back to the New Years Eve Party Ballroom from a few weeks before. In his delirium, Joe is joined by all the guests from that Party but instead of dancing with each other, everyone is waltzing with various human body parts. As Joe dances with the others in their choreographed cadaver waltz, he spots RoseMarie standing atop her long, winding staircase.

He tries to get closer, but the other dancers seemingly get in his way. It’s impossible to get to her. The closer he gets, the farther she seems until finally he makes his way to the bottom of the stairway and just when he thinks he has reached her, Joe is transported back into his dingy tenement room. He gives in to what he sees as his fate. To live out his life a broken, deranged fool. He leans in to kiss Millie’s feet when there is a banging on the door. It’s the super and he’s not alone. The police are there with Mr. Liskusky demanding that Joe come out with what’s left of Millie.”


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